Navigating the dynamics between faith & mental health

I feel ashamed that I struggle with depression even though so many people have prayed for me


I pray for healing, but I'm just mad God let it happen in the first place


I feel ashamed that I struggle with depression even though so many people have prayed for me 〰️ I pray for healing, but I'm just mad God let it happen in the first place 〰️

Quick Jump: DonateWhy Now?ObjectivesYour Impact

This year we have launched The Big Christian Mental Health campaign to enable Christians all over the country to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

With your help we can break the taboo, remove the stigma, and normalise Christ-centred mental health and wellbeing support.

Throughout the campaign we will create over a hundred new resources, train hundreds of churches and deliver one-to-one counselling, coaching and mentoring sessions.

All for free. All in response to the mental health crisis our country, and our churches, are facing.

Why Now?

The nation’s mental health is declining & Christians are not immune


of the UK population is now suffering from at least one mental health condition.


Increase in Mental Health service referrals in the last 4 years.


of churchgoers said they had experienced poor mental health.


of Christians struggling with their mental health said that their church hadn’t been equipped to support them. 

Faith &















Depression 〰️ Counselling 〰️ Anger 〰️ Shame 〰️ Trauma 〰️ Anxiety 〰️ Doubt 〰️


#1 Host the conversation

We want to do our part to help break the taboo, remove the stigma, and normalise Christ-centred mental health and wellbeing support.

30,000 Christians engaged in conversation via digital channels
10,000 people hearing us talk about these issues at events and conferences
10 episodes of a limited edition podcast with interviewing mental health experts and Christian leaders
Nationwide focus groups with experts, leaders and peers
Extensive collaborations across Christian media outlets

#2 Equip, empower and support

This year will see us creating over a hundred new resources, training hundreds of churches and delivering one-to-one counselling, coaching and mentoring sessions online through the Freedom Course.  

500 people trained from over 200 churches
100 new digital resources for individuals and churches
5,000 people learning to live free and stay free through the Keys to Freedom workbook
50+ individuals receiving direct support and counselling through the Freedom Course

How could your donation help?

With your help, Christians across the UK will get the support they need


will go towards the production of shareable digital resources, for every Christian to use.


will pay for a Freedom Course Participants counselling session.


will help us support churches running Keys to Freedom groups


pays for someone to access four sessions of specialist support, such as nutrition, fitness or occupational therapy.


covers the entire cost of a Participant’s journey, including access to specialist support such as counselling.

To continue this year-long campaign we need your help to be a Campaign Partner.
Together we can help those waiting for support.

Thank you!

It’s only because of our generous supporters and God’s blessing that we are able to launch this new campaign. Thank you so much to all who have generously given to see more people live free and stay free.


Your support will make stories like these possible: